File No. 1154/286.

Chargé Phillips to the Secretary of State.

No. 1153.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy of my note to the foreign office expressing the high appreciation of the American Government for His Majesty’s gracious and friendly action in accepting the office of mediator for the adjustment of the Alsop claim between the United States and Chile.

I have, etc.,

William Phillips.
[Page 189]

Chargé Phillips to the Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note to Mr. Reid, dated the 30th ultimo, stating that you had been instructed by His Majesty to inform the ambassador, for communication to the Government of the United States, that he will have much pleasure in acting as mediator for the adjustment of the Alsop claim between the United States and Chile.

Under instructions from my Government I beg to express their high appreciation of His Majesty’s gracious and friendly action in accepting the office of mediator in this dispute.

I have, etc.,

William Phillips.

[To be continued in Foreign Relations 1911.]