The Acting Secretary of State to the Chilean Minister.

No. 17.]

Sir: Referring to your legation’s note of July 31, 1908, transmitting a copy of the note which the minister for foreign affairs of Chile addressed to the American minister on April 9 last, regarding the claim of Alsop & Co.; and referring also to the department’s [Page 155] reply to your legation’s said note, under date of August 29, 1908, I have the honor to say that the department would be glad to receive at as early a date as practicable the information and antecedents regarding this case offered by the Government of Chile through your legation’s note mentioned above, and which the department, in its said note of August 29, 1908, expressed its wish to receive, on the ground that, as nothing in its own archives appeared to justify the reduction proposed by Chile in the amount due under the agreement between Mr. Wheelwright and the Bolivian Government it was desirous of examining, as soon as your legation’s convenience would permit, copies of the documents and statements of evidence which your Government regards as justifying such a reduction.

The department desires to reach an early conclusion of its renewed examination into the merits of this long standing difficulty, and it is for this reason that it begs to renew its request for the information so courteously offered by your Government, in order that by having before it all the documents the department may be fully informed concerning all matters that have a bearing upon the merits of the claim.

Accept, etc.,

Robert Bacon.