Mr. Foster to Mr. Patenôtre.

My Dear Mr. Patenôtre: In connection with the incident of May 30 last, when the French flag was torn down at Jeannette, Westmoreland County, Pa., I desire to assure you that the Department has given, and from the latest advices received the Pennsylvania authorities are giving, the matter careful attention. His excellency the governor was in hopes that before this it might have been possible to carry out the wishes of the Department that some measure of punishment be inflicted upon the police officer, Spires. The delay is doubtless due to the fact that he is elected by the people, and is under the supervision and jurisdiction of the court of quarter sessions of the peace of said West-moreiand County. It is not customary, I am advised, for this court to sit during the months of July and August, and it appears also that Judge Doty is absent on his vacation.

Governor Pattison has, however, instructed the district attorney, Joseph A. McCurdy, esq., who is familiar with the episode, to take the first opportunity to confer with the people’s local authorities upon the subject, and there is no reason to doubt that the governor’s wishes will be complied with at the earliest date practicable.

Very truly, yours,

John W. Foster.