No. 754.
Mr. Bayard to Mr. Connery.

No. 220.]

Sir: I inclose for your information a copy of a dispatch from William Heimké, esq., vice-consul at Chihuahua, Mexico, No. 15, of October 29 last, reporting the release, after an incarceration of nearly three years, of Henry Brudigam (the alleged murderer of one Domingo Steiner), the courts having found him “not guilty.”

An expression of the Department’s satisfaction that justice has at last been done to Mr. Brudigam has been made to the vice-consul, coupled with the further observation that it was difficult to explain or justify the tardy action of simple justice in this case. Consideration of any claim, however, which Mr. Brudigam may prefer against Mexico in consequence of his long imprisonment will necessarily be deferred until its presentation to the Department, in order that the facts and allegations may be carefully weighed.

I am, etc.,

T. F. Bayard.
[Inclosure in No. 220.]

Mr. Heimké to Mr. Porter.

No. 15.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that after an incarceration in the cárcel pública here for a period of close upon three years of Mr. Henry Brudigam, an American citizen, for the alleged murder of one Domingo Steiner, a former jeweler of Chihuahua, he has been released from his imprisonment, the courts having found him “not guilty.” Mr. Brudigam informs me that he will leave in a few days for the United States, where he intends to employ counsel for the prosecution of an indemnity claim for his long and unjust imprisonment here.

I have, etc.

Wm. Heimké.