No. 29.
Mr. Hall to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

No. 9.]

Sir: I have just received a communication from the minister of foreign relations in which, on the part of the Government of Guatemala, he requests me to express its gratitude to the Government of the United States for the marked attentions and deferent consideration shown to President Barrios during his recent sojourn in that country. I have time only by this mail to transmit a copy and translation of this communication, and a copy of my reply.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure 1 in No. 9.—Translation.]

Mr. Bátres to Mr. Hall.

Mr. Minister: This government has received information that General Don J. Rufino Barrios, President of this Republic, has left the United States of America to travel in Europe.

During all the sojourn of the meritorious General Barrios in the Great Republic of the North, he has been the subject of marked attentions and of unequivocal proofs of deferent consideration on the part of the government of the country you worthily represent.

The free institutions, the marvelous greatness, and the immense development of the American nation are on an elevation with the energy of its citizens, and of the enlightenment of its government; for these reasons, the manifestations made to General Barrios have profoundly excited the gratitude, not only of the government but of the people of Guatemala.

I have therefore the honor to request that you will be pleased to express to your government how great are the obligations this republic entertains for the kind attentions shown to its chief.

This acceptable opportunity affords, &c.,

[Page 47]
[Inclosure 2 in No. 9.]

Mr. Hall to Señor Bátres.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s communication of this date, in which you are pleased, to convey in expressive and eloquent terms the acknowledgments of the Government of Guatemala for the marked attentions and deferent considerations shown by the government to the President, General Barios, during his recent sojourn in the United States.

By this mail I shall forward a copy of your excellency’s communication to the honorable the Secretary of State of the United States, and I am persuaded that the friendly sentiments therein expressed will meet with a cordial response of sympathy and good will towards this republic and its illustrious President.

I embrace, &c.,