No. 83.
Mr. Partridge to Mr. Fish.

No. 278.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatches numbered 154 (with inclosure—copy of a letter from Navy Department) and 155.

In obedience to the instruction in the former, I have written to the Baron de Cotegipe a communication expressing the sense entertained by the Government at Washington of the friendly service rendered to the United States frigate Lancaster by the Baron de Ivanheima and by the surgeon of the Brazilian navy, Doctor Ferreira de Rocha, returning the thanks of the Government therefor, and asking that those thanks may also be tendered to the Baron Ivanheima and Surgeon de Rocha.

A copy of that communication is hereto annexed.

I have, &c.,


I had previously and verbally returned thanks to the Viscount de Caravellas, the minister of foreign affairs at the time, in May last.

[Inclosure in No. 278.]

Mr. Partridge to Baron de Cotegipe.

To His Excellency the Baron de Cotegipe, &c.

The undersigned, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States, has the honor to inform his excellency the Baron de Cotegipe, minister and secretary of state for foreign affairs, that he has received instructions from Washington to make known to the imperial government the high sense entertained by the Government at Washington of the friendly act and important service rendered by the Baron Ivanheima, chief of division in the Imperial navy, and commanding the Brazilian squadron at Bahia, in May last, in offering to the United States frigate Lancaster, Captain F. A. Roe, then suffering from the loss of her medical officers, the services of one of the surgeons of his own fleet; as well as by the said surgeon, Doctor E. Alves Ferreira da Rocha, who volunteered to go on board the Lancaster and there perform the duties of surgeon, accompanying the said frigate to the United States.

The Navy Department of the United States, upon these facts becoming known to it, desired the honorable Secretary of State (for foreign affairs) to express through the proper channel that Department’s sense of the courteous and friendly act of the Baron Ivanheima, and the self-sacrificing and courageous act of Doctor Alves Ferreira da Rocha; and the undersigned has been instructed to convey to the imperial government the thanks of the Government at Washington; and to request, also, that the [Page 127] thanks of the United States Government be tendered to the Baron Ivanheima and Doctor Ferreira da Rocha therefor.

It affords the undersigned great pleasure to fulfill these orders, and to tender the thanks of his Government therefor, to the imperial government, as well as to the officers above named of the imperial navy; and in so doing he also expresses to his excellency the Baron de Cotegipe the assurance of his complete esteem and consideration.