No. 219.

Mr. Fish to Baron Gerolt.

Sir: Referring to your notes of the 19th and 25th of February last, and of the 28th of March current, concerning a proposed combined action of the naval forces of the United States and of North Germany for the suppression of piracy in the Chinese waters, I have now the honor to inform you that the President has taken great pleasure in complying with the request of Count Bismarck, by directing instructions to be issued from the Navy Department to Admiral Rogers, to coöperate for that purpose with the naval forces of the North Germany and such other powers as shall receive similar instructions.

The coöperation of Admiral Rogers and of the forces under his command will, however, be limited to cases of recognized piracy. He will be instructed to proceed in such a way as not to wound the sensibilities of the Chinese government, or to interfere with the lawful commerce of the Chinese subjects, or to conflict with the peaceful policy toward China in which the government of North Germany and the United States so happily agree.

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew the assurances of my distinguished consideration.